"Good luck Number #1, the fate of Paira rests with you."
12 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Warning from Earth - you are on a collision course with your own sanity if you proceed past the opening scene. Wow, did you get a good look at those goofy starfish pajamas? We should be grateful that that was one Japanese import that didn't make it.

"Warning From Space" requires a certain something from it's viewers, in my case it was an hour and a half of nothing better to do. I can't honestly say I'm any better off for having seen it, but then again, I'm not any worse. I'll have to wait to see if those starfish pop up in a dream tonight, or a nightmare.

At least there were some novel ideas advanced in the film for it's time. Japanese rockets were dispatched into space to get a picture of the luminous bodies resembling meteors, and the shape shifting Pairan had no fingerprint pattern. I got a kick out of the admirable attempt of the Pairan Ginko to transmute into a famous Japanese entertainer in order to make contact with humans. The first batch of Earthlings that pulled her out of the pond didn't recognize her.

I wonder how much money 'Mobilgas' had to offer to get their sign in the film?

It seems to me that "Warning From Space" is largely a forgettable movie. The lack of menacing monsters and a benign association of Japanese scientists with the Pairans made for a boring picture at times. But they should have given a prize to the person who came up with that cyclops starfish design; I don't think I'll ever be the same again.
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