the best film of 2006 so far (that i have seen)
14 June 2006
i remembered seeing TV spots when this first came out, and i remember thinking it had a real cool look to it, but to be honest i did not feel like going to see it because i did not think too highly of Paul Walker and i thought it was be style with absolutely no substance. I was wrong about both. I never did not like Paul Walker, but surely had never impressed me in the least with his acting talent. He did in this picture. I don't think its a spoiler to say he is basically at an extreme state of mind at all times, extremely tense/angry/emotional etc., and i think he pulls it off very well. he does a good job on the accent too, its subtle and not over the top like accents tend to be in films.

As for the film, there certainly is whole lot of style, and there is substance as well. it pulls you in at the start, and does not let go until just about the final frame. i hate to compare it to other films as people always do, but i would say its like Snatch meets Training Day. Sort of. Like "Snatch" in terms of energy and style, and Training Day in that you kind of go for a ride with this guy for a day. i did not really describe that too well, let me just say if you liked Training Day, Snatch, Lock Stock, Pulp Fiction, Man on Fire, etc., there is a better than decent chance you will really enjoy this film. As the director says in the "making of" documentary, it is almost like a take on "Alice in Wonderland", there are a lot of characters that grab your attention and maybe churn your stomach. its not one of the most violent films i have seen, but it definitely has brutal violence, so be wary of that if somewhat realistic violence bothers you.

I have not seen a lot of 2006 films so far but it is easily the most enjoyable film i have seen. I liked Syriana and the Da Vinci Code quite a bit, but i liked this one even better. And far better than the disappointing X-Men 3. I highly suggest picking it up on your next trip to Blockbuster or moving up to the top of your Netflix queue.

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