Review of Tourgasm

Tourgasm (2006)
Astoundingly unfunny
15 June 2006
One would expect that HBO would want to put their best foot forward in the premiere episode in order to hook people. Well, if Episode 1 was as good as they could get, they've got a real problem.

First of all, the four comedians are really only two comedians: Dane Cook and Gary Gulman. Bobby Kelly and Jay Davis are evidently there just to make the other two look good by comparison. Not that you'll get a lot of looking at their stand-up abilities since the show isn't about that. Actual stand-up makes up mere moments in the half hour. Unfortunately. What you get is a reality show of four jerks on a bus together.

There are evidently 9 episodes, so HBO probably won't cancel it. But if Jay Davis isn't tied to the back of the bus and dragged through, say, Colorado in the first few minutes of Episode 2, I can't see much reason to continue watching.
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