Review of Homefront

Homefront (1991–1993)
One of the best shows of all time!!!!!
25 June 2006
Set in small town River Run, OH just at the end of WWII this show had it all: drama, comedy, romance, and history. Homefront was a show that not only entertained, but educated about life in the 1940's with issues such as racism, feminism, polio outbreaks/scares, & worker's rights, not to mention the lifestyle of the men & women and how they dealt with each other. We even got to see what it was like to see a television set for the first time, to jitterbug, to try to make it as a starlet in Hollywood, and what radio shows were like.

I just have to say that Homefront is one of my very favorite shows of all time (and I only have 3)! It was beautifully written, well acted, and the authenticity of the props, sets, & fashion were right on for that era. This show just never got a good chance to find an audience due to ABC moving it around so much...too bad. This show was truly one of the greatest ever made. I hope Warner Bros. releases it to DVD soon so that more people can enjoy it. If you want to see it released as well then go sign the petition at! Or you can just come watch our clips of Homefront and see for yourself what a wonderful show this is.

Happy Homefronting!
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