Sideways meets The Big Chill
18 July 2006
Wrestling with what happens, not after graduation, but AFTER after graduation may at first seem kind of unambitious, but director / writer Bruce Leddy keeps you laughing through the whole thing even as he skates through mortality, repressed anger and regret, longstanding feuds among friends, and of course a brush with authority -- you know, the typical components of comedy. A delightful movie with many scenes that you'll remember vividly long after you've seen the picture. Leddy skillfully zooms through all kinds of thirty-something angst without getting turgid or tedious, keeping a patter of jokes -- sometimes deep, sometimes on the (ahem) immature side -- bubbling along so that the ride is fun. Kind of like Sideways, kind of like Big Chill, but with more jokes and EXCELLENT singing.
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