23 July 2006
The ITV have been making a big ordeal about the new programme "Prehistoric Park" with various adverts on the tele, BUT it was a bit of a disappointment. Even though it was a very imaginative story and i could imagine myself if i was just 10 years younger (as I'm 15) that i would think this programme to be a real nature programme, it wasn't as good as i expected.

One of the big mistakes they made was that they played "Jurassic Park" before it! A blockbuster film which paid millions for the special effects of the dinosaurs alone and then we switch to a rather expensive for a television programme with fairly good effects but from seeing a two hour long Dinosaur film didn't give the effects of "Prehistoric Park" the credit they needed.

I would advice to watch it if they bring it out on DVD but just DON'T WATCH JURASSIC PARK BEFORE IT!Big Mistake...
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