Not for the jaded or defensive.
25 July 2006
I am old enough to have been a fan of the original comic strip in our Boston gay weekly. The comic-strip glibness of the movie will be missed by anyone expecting it to be a romantic comedy in the cinematic sense. Seen in the light of its original genre, it is well done as a low-budget film. All that glitters is not gold, and all that doesn't isn't necessarily shabby. Daniel Letterle suffices as the clueless Ethan. He does 'duh blonde' quite well. The Hat Sisters, a real-life and venerable Bostonian team, were done justice. Defensive young gay movie goers might be made uncomfortable by a rather stinging and accurate, yet overblown, portrayal of gay dating among the young. Kids will be kids. I speculate that the lack of more athletic T & A will effect the box-office, but I think this small movie will gradually earn its place on the shelf with other 'gay lite' films like it. In that context, it's pretty good.
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