F.a.a.K S.u.c.K.S
2 August 2006
Appallingly poor quality animation akin to straight to video gems such as "The Land Before Time 8", terrible lip-synching and voice acting, 1-dimensional, undetailed characters, extra cheesy CGI that might have been impressive in the early 90's, horrible "Korn style" screaming gorilla music that may appeal to angsty 14 year old boys and bland landscape after bland cityscape make "Heavy Metal 2000" a sad sight to behold. The original Heavy Metal contained endearing characters with beautiful voice acting, a wonderful sense of humor, great music, extremely detailed characters and landscapes and knew it was a little campy. Heavy Metal 2000 (fabulous title, don't you think?) takes itself *way* too seriously, but comes off as a weekly crap He-Man style escapade complete with She-Ra with a big black Cher wig on.

Extremely bad. Do yourself a favor and miss this one. Avoid like the plague.
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