Experimental nonsense
3 August 2006
'La Folie du Docteur Tube' only exists to try some new techniques. The story tells of a professor in a lab inventing a weird powder that disfigures living creatures. First he tries it on an animal, then on himself and the boy that helps him. In a parallel story we see men approaching two women. The women want to fresh up before going on something like a date and they also end up covered in the professor's powder. With make-up they try to conceal their disfigurement but lucky for them the two men below the window are also covered with the powder. In the end everything turns up back to normal where they share a drink.

I liked Albert Dieudonné who plays the professor. His way of acting is actually quite funny. The story itself is not interesting at all, only an excuse for director Abel Gance (who would go and make the great 'Napoléon') to use trick mirrors to distort the picture. He plays this trick too long; after a minute we understand what he wants to show us but he keeps things like that for five minutes more. I am glad to have seen it since it comes from an important figure in the cinema, but that would be about the only reason to recommend it.
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