Flavor of Love (2006– )
The Flavor of Love was really cool!
5 August 2006
The show was funny with a few moments of real excitement, some pretty hot girls, and one of the most original guys I've ever seen on TV. Although the show was about a rapper it didn't go to far with the rap (I mean it didn't try to shove the rap down our throats) Although the show contained an interracial cast it didn't go overboard trying make some statement about race. For me it was comparable to The Osbournes meet the dating game. An aging Rock star thats obviously done his fair share of drugs looking for Mrs. Right or even Mrs. tonight. Surprisingly some of the plot was really eye opening, like who wouldve figured that the day would come when a houseful of somewhat intelligent women couldn't fry a chicken between them. I mean what simple housewife from the Bradys to the 80's couldn't fry chicken? The part that to me that was overlooked but that spoke volumes was when they got set up to baby sit the kids at the park. Besides Hoops every single 1 of them went in those ridiculous high heels (a stripper could barely walk in) with there breast hanging out or pressed up "till they were popping out the tops of they're turtlenecks" and skirts so short or revealing they wouldve made a sailor blush. They were led to believe they were going to meet some of Flavs friends...Hoops went in a nice normal T-shirt, I think she had a skirt on to but out of all the rest it seemed like she was the only one who had just got dressed and got in the car. The rest of them looked and felt very uncomfortable around the kids. I know thats the way a lot of decent women are dressing and have been dressing since the Flappers way back in the roaring 20's and probably even before then but to me its kinda like the joke Dave Chappelle said "you might not be a prostitute but your wearing a prostitutes uniform."

The show was good and did a darn good job of pointing out in a fun way a lot of stuff thats going on that we don't normally talk about or even consciously take notice of. The shows about Flav and how hes looking for someone thatll really love him as he is and that has what hes looking for in a woman. I think that someone is New York; without all the drama (which I do enjoy) its pretty obvious. Although that being said I think Red Oyster or Hoops are both right up there. Though neither show the passion or interest in Flav that New York does. Sometimes watching the show I wonder how different is Flavs situation from Donald Trumps or half of Hollywood's for that matter or even yours or mine? Whos 100% sincere 100% of the time? I think everybody has some angle or reason they show interest in you. If a woman likes a guys car and laughs at his stupid jokes and eventually ends up getting with said guy is that so wrong? If I like a girl strictly because shes a good cook and I never tell her that or your with somebody only because they're a fireman or a doctor or they know a lot about movies or they're a great dancer or they're a great poker player... I don't think its the end of the world. I bet some really good relationships began with a lot less. Anyways if you get a chance watch the show dang it, its pretty good.
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