..judging against the original..
21 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
..this is really a stretch, because it has been many years since I saw the film with Viven Leigh/Warren Beatty version. To compare the two versions, not really fair, because THIS "Spring" has such graphic sex-scenes, where as Miss Leigh would hardly have been filmed in such a manner, as I can remember. So, we must write on this particular version, only to say that Beatty was gorgeous, but what a rotten actor in that film. And, didn't "Mrs. Stone" have plastic surgery ????

First-off, had I been married to "Tom Stone" (Brian Dennedy), I think I'd have become obsessed with sexual encounters, too. Dennehy was a perfect cast for that role, because he certainly had NO sex-appeal. As others have written, "the animal" was lurking in "Mrs. Stone" (Helen Mirren), who was brilliant in this TV re-make. Although she was never a great beauty, not many actresses will allow themselves to be filmed with age all hanging-out. To me, that aspect was absolutely necessary to fully make her role believable, because that's what the story is about. I don't think too many actresses would be filmed is such sexually orgiastic scenes, either.

"Paolo" (Oliver Martinez) certainly was engaging in his snooty, macho character. If he's 40-years-old, all men should hope to be so hot-looking, even in this day of gyms and work-outs. His narcissism was brilliantly played, most "users" saying it wasn't acting. Who cares? Actresses use their beauty, too. After all, he was a "conte" ! (some folk may spell it with a "U"). Robert Ackerman may have been reticent about his directing in some scenes, but he certainly knew how to let "Paolo" use his "animalistic" prowess: make the actress drop the script by opening the sheet; a hump in an open auto; "beg", beg"; "let me take-off my grandmother's locket". Wow ! (Similar sexuality in "Primal Fear"). That "Mrs. Stone" was a good business-lady didn't prevent him from trying - I suspect most "marcetta" (gigolos) would have cut-out a long time before he did. After all, he was a businessman, too.....

I vaguely remember how wonderful Lotte Leyna was in the original film, but I thought "Contessa" (Anne Bancroft) was marvelous in that role. Her constant eating, when it was free, provided much-needed comedy in such a heavy story. Her slick role was well-played, as was her contempt for American ladies, as was her brow-beating to her guys. Tough luck that "Mrs. Stone" knew the value of a dollar......

"The Young Man" (Rodrigo Santoro) was stellar in his role of a homeless man. As several wrote, what a face under all that hair and dirt ! Martin Sherman could easily have insisted that he play the "marcetta", but his face WAS too sweet. He may have been homeless, but he was smart enough to figure-out "Paola" was an employee....next in line? Smart move to urinate for the employer. His attributes wasn't lost on "Mrs. Stone".......the "key scene" was exquisite for "Mrs. Stone" for her realization she was a lost soul, and the humility of the smelly street-man. The fade-out of their faces was genius. That's theater !

No one wrote that Roger Allam (the play-writer) could possibly have been playing the role of Tennessee Williams - very good impersonation; I've seen Williams up close many times. He had Brando as a model for "Paola". Nor did anyone mention the all-knowing expression on the hairdresser's face (Sara James), who could have narrated the whole movie with feeling.

In retrospect, Mirren was perfect for this role. "Age", not "beauty", was the centerpiece of this story. The costumes were gorgeous and the cinematography very good - I don't remember the score, so it must have been appropriate. Although someone was right about saying a lot of the background was shot in a studio, not in Rome, it was good......this was a TV-movie, guys....... Being faithful in loving the original version, I did not like this movie till the second viewing. I didn't know it was shot for TV, and wondered why anyone would try to re-make such a classic. Trading-off different aspects of the two versions is pointless - this is a very entertaining film. I recommend it for any adult - teenagers already know about all this stuff. I rate this movie as a 10.
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