Aniston can't find a date and scrubs toilets for a living - Right.
30 August 2006
There is some great stuff here - characters say things and do things that have the feel of real life, and then there's Aniston's character. Look, I can suspend disbelief with the best of em - I love Sci-fi!- but it really does spoil the whole thing when a movie asks me to believe that a woman that looks as great as Aniston does here is reduced to toilet scrubbing and going out with any schlub who asks. Somehow I really find it hard to empathize with a character whose situation is so out of whack with reality. With all these rich hipster watersiders as friends you just know she'd be setup with one millionaire after another. She might be just as miserable as she is here but she would not be on toilet duty. Oh, one more thing. Isn't it great that the movie tries to wrap the whole thing up by suggesting that - shock of all shocks - a great looking woman might find happiness with a fat guy? I mean, of all the things that might make you an untouchable in Los Angeles carrying around a few extra lbs is it. Don't we all heave a sigh of relief when we find out that the unkempt, unhygenic fat guy ends up having loads of dough?
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