The Watcher (I) (2000)
Cliché but not bad.
9 September 2006
Straight out of the mould of the serial killer movie handbook, nothing new or creative here. Very contrived flick as former FBI agent, James Spader tracks down serial killer, Keanu Reeves who has a slight obsession with Spader and a serious obsession with killing women with piano wire. Spader is of course, plagued by nightmares from his past and Marissa Tomei is the psychologist trying to help him.

The good points of this movie: Spader, Spader, Spader. He is great in this role and his "I don't give a **** attitude" will charm you. An underrated actor, much in the same fit as William Petersen, he needs that big role to give him star power. There are also some really genuine scenes between him and Tomei, and Spader's candidness gives the scenes depth.

Also, I don't know how the director gained so much star power for such a low budget movie. James Spader, Marissa Tomei, Keanu Reeves, Ernie Hudson... not bad. It certainly doesn't hurt the movie. And there is a great chase scene...

Drawbacks: very, very contrived. Plays like a made for TV movie. Some of the actors are very wooden in their supporting roles. Also, the direction relies on some out of place, slow motion and strange camera tricks to try and give the movie some flare. The movie would have benefited from some plain, gritty camera-work that matched the subject matter. This isn't Miami Vice or a John Woo flick.

Neutrals: Keanu Reeves. If Reeves had have changed his appearance as he did to play the bullying husband in "The Gift", it would have added a whole lot more to this flick. Instead, I couldn't see past his surfer image. He's not bad in this role, but it could have been so much more.

As a whole, this movie could have been great but was ruined by shoddy direction and a low budget feel. You get the feeling it was pushed out there with the star power to draw audiences instead of the movie itself. Still, a little disappointing when you realize, with a little passion and more creativity, this movie could have been great. Still, there are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.
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