Review of Monopoly

Monopoly (2006)
Usual Suspects in Asia
15 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
On seeing the previews of the movie I was expecting a slick Asian action movie and I was right on one count that it was slick but not an action movie. I don't normally watch Asian films so I cant comment on certain elements that are so unlike a typical Hollywood movie, but the change was refreshing. Things like the fact that lead Kyung Ho is a closet homosexual and though it is a vital key to the whole plot , isn't really focused upon . Anybody who has seen the Usual Suspects can instantly identify key elements of that movie in this one. An apparent loser being questioned by the police. The cops being unwittingingly manipulated into hanging onto his every word and their instant reaction to his every utterance. A massive unveiling of the way that its just a big fib and how it was made..... A word of advice , leave your common sense at the door when watching this movie. There are enough plot holes to fill a crater. But when you think about it , its actually acceptable since it was a fib anyway and everything that he said , however implausible it may seem in real life, is okay and it was just the cops who were gullible enough to fall for it. Definitely different for the average Western viewers , an Asian movie without any martial arts or violence.
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