Dark and harrowing dish of Spaghetti!
29 September 2006
The fact that this Spaghetti western is often seen as one of the more violent genre entries is the main reason why I wanted to see it; and while I'm not too well versed in this type of film overall; I've got to say that it is indeed pretty violent. Just to make things a little more uncomfortable for the audience, there's also a distinct streak of sadism running throughout the film, and stapes of the western genre such as gunfights and horse riding are replaced by things such as torture, rape and murder. The plot is not as expansive as the films from the likes of Sergio Leone, and focuses on a tight plot thread, which runs throughout. We begin with a sequence in which a sergeant introduces his wagon-load of convicts, all of which have been sentenced for heinous crimes. However, the wagon is soon attacked by bandits, and the sergeant, along with his beautiful daughter, must transport the troupe of convicts to their destination through the snow. However, even chained up these unscrupulous men aren't happy to do what they're told and it's not long before the man in charge is no longer the sergeant...

This film seems keen to break the western 'code' as often as possible, and that's even shown through the locations, which are often covered in snow. The film does adhere to some of the western staples, however, and that includes the soundtrack - which while perhaps not up there with the likes of the work of Ennio Morricone, still bodes well with the on-screen action and presents a fabulous Spaghetti Western atmosphere. The acting is overall rather poor and the lack of any cult stars is a negative aspect, but it doesn't harm the film too much. The major gimmick of this movie is the fact that it features all of its "bad" characters chained to one another. It's an original idea, and it has to be said that it is well used throughout the film. The violence doesn't come thick and fast, but when it is on screen; you'll certainly know about it. A scene that sees a man have a hook put through his skull before being winched up is a particular highlight! The ending is good and provides the perfect finish to a film like this, and overall; while I won't say this is one of the greatest westerns ever made, it certainly is a very good one.
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