Roxie Hart (1942)
Seen 'Chicago'? Enjoy the original.
30 September 2006
It's a wonderful irony that the non-singing original Roxie Hart, so familiar from the stage show and movie of 'Chicago' was played by one of the top musical stars of the '30s - Ginger Rogers.

And how she sells it - she could so have topped Renee, good as she is, had the musical have been available then.

But the 'straight' play is well worth a look. Adolphe Menjou never disappoints, and gives the tastier Richard Gere a lesson in character acting.

Another in the wonderful, scathing films of my Hollywood at its best, satirising itself and the media, along with 'His Girl Friday', 'The Stand-in', and, in more serious vein, 'Citizen Kane'.
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