re: somewhat biased reviews of this movie here
8 October 2006
Warning - spoiler ahead: *** This movie is dreadful - a fact which would be apparent to a lobotomized cane toad after the first ten minutes *** How peculiar that a movie which scores 5.0 out of 10 (out of 2,597 votes cast) has a very long string of "reviews" giving it a 10 - about 90% of the reviews are a 9 or 10, as of October 2006. This is statistically anomalous.

What this demonstrates is that these reviews are coming from an unrepresentative sample of viewers - people with an agenda unconnected from the movie's cinematic merits (which are few). Their beliefs (in this case, Christian), compel them to flood the comments board with disproportionate praise.

Given the fact that our time on Earth is short, I find this reprehensible. The two hours spent enduring this travesty could be otherwise spent gardening, helping the homeless, or otherwise living one's life to the full.

The film tells the story of a human doormat, a woman with NO self respect; a shallow, whiny, materialistic walking coat hanger...and we are meant to feel SYMPATHY for this dreadful creature? She is everything that is wrong with our consumer driven society - a way of life that Jesus Himself would have truly despised.

I'm disgusted.
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