Law & Order: Bodies (2003)
Season 14, Episode 1
17 October 2006
Ritchie Coaster as the murderer Mark Bruner is one of the scariest people in the history of L & O. His first attorney, Jessica Sheets quits because he scares her, and we see Serena Southerlyn's obvious distaste and fear also. When he tells McCoy and Southerlyn that he is the anti them, and the reason that they exist, you feel their discomfort. Finally he gets an attorney from legal aid, and he tells the new attorney where his serial victims are, and the attorney goes to see them, but he stands ready to go to jail rather than violate attorney client privilege. McCoy and Southerlyn tell him that no jurisdiction would disbar him, and he says "Shame on them!" He is sincere, despite the personal cost.

Criminals like "Mark Bruner" exist. This episode reminds me of the old saw, "Half the people in jail don't belong, and half should never be let out."
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