Review of Sex Is Zero

Sex Is Zero (2002)
Korean Pie
9 November 2006
This film is commonly referred to as the Korean American Pie But it rips off a lot more movies than just that and it is interesting how they are all tied together The other thing that strikes me is how this film is hyped as a raunchy teen sex comedy when its almost the directors intent to get teens to watch it (via gross outs and ample nudity) and then does the traditional Asian cinema swerve into a much more serious (and darker) matter (where the title of this film is explained)

Ha Ji Won is great (again) and pretty much steals the show The secondary characters are good (but often don't get as much attention as they deserve... a side effect of trying to run too many characters/plot lines)

The only negative I will say about this film is it looks kinda amateurish (but I think it was intended that way)
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