Bordertown (1935)
A Muni Mistake
15 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
It is interesting to see how a reputation that was once high can tumble to later generations - somewhat unfairly. Paul Muni was not a poor actor. In his best work (SCARFACE, JUAREZ, LIFE OF LOUIS PASTEUR, WE ARE NOT ALONE) his work remains quite substantial in it's effectiveness - he was no mean actor. But when he got hammy....then the knives are our for him. One example is Joseph Elsner (Chopin's music teacher and friend in A SONG TO REMEMBER). Another is Johnny Ramirez in BORDERTOWN.

One can make an excuse for Muni playing a Mexican hero like Benito Juarez. In the 1930s Warner Baxter played the Cisco Kid and Joaichim Murietta and Wallace Beery was a memorable Pancho Villa. But these figures were presented as heroes - there was a degree of sympathy in these personalities. There was supposed to be similar sympathy for Ramirez, but Muni really blew it apart in the opening of the film.

Johnny has just become a lawyer - and has just hung his license up. He gets a client (Manuel Diego - Arthur Stone) whose truck was destroyed in a car accident caused by a limousine driven by a drunken socialite (Dale Elwell - Margaret Lindsey). Johnny willingly takes the case, but he is a terrible lawyer (and, to tell the truth, anyone seeing this performance would think Muni is a terrible actor - the scene in the court is the worst overacting). Johnny not only loses to the professional competence of Elwell's attorney, but the disgusted judge tells him that he is going to request that the state bar association take back Johnny's license. He is disbarred and humiliated. But he subsequently starts working for Charlie Roarke (Eugene Palette), a jolly and good natured man who has a roadhouse with gambling.

The plot is that Roarke's wife Marie (Bette Davis) meets Johnny, and falls for him (not hard - he's a romantic Mexican, and look at jolly but short, fat, and old Chalie). But Johnny is not interested. He's loyal to Charlie, and he's met Dale again. At first she makes fun of the ex-lawyer, but she starts enjoying "slumming" with him. But he's more serious.

Marie suddenly gets the idea of getting rid of Charlie. When they return home from a party, he's totally drunk. They are in the garage of their home, and she realizes that if she leaves the gasoline motor on and closes the door on Charlie - well, it's goodbye Charlie! So it works out, and now she thinks that Johnny will be easy to get. But he's not...and in a moment of anger she confesses the murder and says that Johnny was her co-conspirator.

You may sense several points here: 1935 was the year Thelma Todd died in a still mysterious death connected to her having carbon monoxide poisoning in her closed car garage like Palette did. I don't know which of the two events proceeded the other. Secondly, the situation between Davis and Muni is a model for the similar relationship of Ida Lupino and George Raft in THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT. In fact the death of Palette is a model for the same death for Alan Hale Sr. in the latter film. And the denouement in the trial court is identical too.


Both Davis and Lupino suffer mental collapses on the witness stands, revealing their own guilt but accidentally saving Muni and Raft. Raft is able to pick up the pieces with Ann Sheridan in THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT. Muni is less lucky. Running from him when he reveals his desire to marry her, Lindsay is run down and killed by a car. The effect is overdone by Muni looking so horrified one wonders if he is actually witnessing the sinking of the Titanic! Or maybe he was thinking about his really bad performance in this film.
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