Ah. The Good Memories
23 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers

A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving is one of the many Holiday specials for the Peanuts. It is my third favorite. It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown is my favorite.

The show begins with Lucy doing her usual football trick to poor Charlie Brown.

Charlie Brown gets a phone call on Thanksgiving. It is Peppermint Patty. She heard about Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving dinner. She invites herself over to his Thanksgiving dinner. The only problem is that the Thanksgiving dinner is at his Grandma's house. She also invites Marcie and Franklin. Charlie thinks he is doomed. Linus explains that if he is going to his Grandmother's house at 4:30, Charlie Brown could have two dinners. His first dinner could be for his friends, the second could be at his Grandma's. Charlie says he can't cook.

Snoopy and Woodstock set up tables in the backyard. After some mishaps they mange to get a ping-pong table set up.

Franklin explains to Marcie and Peppermint Patty that dinner at Charlie Brown's will be a little earlier. Peppermint Patty says that they are ready.

Snoopy spreads out a tablecloth on the ping-pong table. Then Linus, Charlie Brown, and Snoopy make dinner. It's basically buttered toast, pretzels, candy, and popcorn.

Snoopy puts plates and napkins on the ping-pong table. Snoopy and Woodstock go back into Charlie Brown's house dressed as Pilgrims. Charlie Brown explains that they can't serve dinner dressed like that.

Marcie, Franklin, and Peppermint Patty come to Charlie Brown's house. He takes them to the backyard and seat them. Before they eat Peppermint Patty says that they should say Grace. They sort of do. Snoopy then puts all the food on plates. While they are eating Peppermint Patty is outraged. She explains that a Thanksgiving dinner is made up of turkey, gravy, and cranberries. She says that it is not made up of popcorn and toast. Charlie Brown goes back into the house. Marcie says that Charlie Brown didn't even invite Peppermint Patty over. Patty tells Marcie to patch things up for her and tell him that she likes the dinner. Marcie does just that. Charlie Brown says that he feels guilty that he ruined everyone's Thanksgiving. Marcie says that Thanksgiving is not just about eating, it's about giving thanks. Patty comes and asks if he accepts her apology. He does. Then he finds out that he is late to go to his Grandma's. He calls her and says that he will be a little late. Grandma says that his friends could come with him.

They get into the back of Charlie Brown's car. They sing Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go. Charlie say that the only problem with that song is that his Grandma lives in a condominium.

Overall, this is a great special.

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