Skulhedface (1994 Video)
Surprisingly funny, blood-soaked silliness.
20 November 2006
All your favorite, cuddly, weapon wielding, huge-membered GWAR characters + Jello Biafra and a little budget = a fun little movie, over the top, exceedingly silly and possessing the creativity that made GWAR so well-loved in the first place.

This is not something that can readily be enjoyed by all, the self-satire and GWAR brand mythos may totally go over some people's heads. But people who find splattergore, untasteful humor, campiness and the whole GWAR thing amusing will have a laugh at this, moreso if you've had a few beers and are feeling silly to begin with.

I'm probably forgetting to mention that the last time I watched this I was a teenager, so maybe I've matured and won't find it as amusing as I once did. But considering how many times we watched it in various basements and various cities, there must have been something that didn't suck about it. Knowing me, I'd probably still find it hilarious.

Raunchy, Obscene and politically incorrect and possessing enough goofy, scatological, gory retardedness as it offers.

Recommended to GWAR fans, stoned teenagers, people trying to annoy their roommates/parents and people in love with dead dogs named "Pookie".

Not recommended for Britany Spears fans, Al Gore, People can't temporarily regress to a Beavis and Butthead like state and laugh at the blood-soaked silliness of it all and people who can't find the humor in a talking penis or giant, amorphic, farting monster with Hitler's head.
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