Beethoven's 4th (2001 Video)
Great, Beethoven meets the Prince and the Pauper
30 November 2006
Like I said before, my cousins and I had a Beethoven night, I was looking forward to the sequels, but after the sadness that was the third Beethoven, I had something even more to look forward too. Somehow, Beethoven is still with the brand new Newtons, I guess George, Alice, and their kids were looking for some kind of good excuse to get rid of Beethoven.

Basically, Beth and Richard want to get rid of Beethoven due to poor habits of drooling and destroying, but the kids want to keep him so they secretly take Beethoven to obedience classes. But Richard finds out that Beethoven inspires him to create his best art pieces ever. There is another family who is more wealthy and also have a St. Bernard, Michaelangelo, and kidnappers want him so they can get a ransom, not that much money if you ask me, but Beethoven and Michaelanglo get mixed up when they're both outside and end up with the wrong families.

Beethoven's 4th is a pretty sorry excuse for a film, but it was a little better than the third Beethoven movie. My cousins really enjoy these films, so like I said before, these films must be doing something right. For a family film, it wouldn't be too bad, but for me, this was a pretty silly movie.

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