Likable Adventure That Happily Pushes No Envelopes
4 December 2006
I saw Nate and Hayes back in the day, in the darkness of the theater. It was fun, but the memory of Raiders of the Lost Ark (which was certainly responsible for this film's existence) was too fresh, and this minor film suffered in comparison. Though Nate and Hayes was competently made, and had it's charms, it was obviously a TV movie that somehow made it up to the big screen. I think that if they'd had a bit more money to spend, the filmmakers could have created a film just as good as Disney's recent pirate adventures. With more varied camera-work, a few more creative action bits, better costumes, and richer cinematography, the same screenplay could have been made into a smash hit classic. In fact, most of the big hits of the past 3 decades have basically just been slick and shiny remakes of little films like this one. And Tommy Lee Jones makes a fantastic Pirate, Texas accent and all!
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