8 December 2006
Alfred Hitchcock would have been proud of this, only it was directed by Bryan Forbes. Wonderful shots in London in 1962 (not 64 as stated). No violence, yet there is an underlying threat throughout. The creepy Victorian house adds atmosphere but it is the location shots that are excellent. Attenborough is convincing but it is Kim Stanley who shines, quite apart from disguising her American accent, she is absolutely faultless. Forbes' interview on the DVD is fascinating. As he states there is not a cardboard film set in sight; it is all on location. The interview adds so much and should be viewed after the film as he answers all the questions you are asking while watching. John Barry's score is also excellent; especially the use of violins in the scene in the Rolls Royce. A 60s black and white classic. that deserves to be reappraised in coming years and will stand as one of Forbes' greatest moments as a director.
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