Father And Son Bonding Movie
14 December 2006
I grabbed this movie at the library, and really didn't know much about it before watching it. I remembered the movie being compared to Jumanji, and figured it might be a good film to watch with my twelve-year-old son.

I would like to thank everyone responsible for making this movie for giving me one of the most enjoyable movie watching experiences I've ever had!

It turns out my son is at the perfect age to watch this movie. He and I were on the edge of our seats, and he had a smile on his face the entire time. This film will hold the attention of your "tweens" even those with the touch of ADD that is all too common in our video game, microwave meal society.

I know I'm not saying much about what happens in the movie, and that's because the movie needs to be seen to be appreciated. It is part science fiction, part morality play with just the right amount of humor and a few twists and turns. The suspense level in some of the scenes is breathtaking, and other than one relatively minor expletive early in the film (nothing my son hasn't heard,) it's very family friendly.

Zathura is a DVD I'll definitely be buying. My son actually thanked me for getting this "awesome" DVD for us to watch. Dads (and Moms) put Zthura on your "must see" list.
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