Could this be the Ultimate Aussie Mini-Series Ever!!!
2 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Laurence's great mini-series, sets the scene for the famous TV series which came later. Story wise the plot would keep even the most hardened soap devotee on the edge of their seat. That's as long as you don't question the fact that a mother would abandon her children by choice. This mini-series gives a slightly plausible explanation, but then again it is meant to be a drama and primarily made to entertain. And entertain it certainly does. Its the classic plot device of good against evil, except in this drama the good person starts out ugly and ends up beautiful! As for James Reyne's Greg Marden, well I'm a bloke I don't fancy him, on the other hand Rebecca Gilling's a different story, post op of course. She's even more sexy in the follow up series.

Wendy Hughes plays a more sympathetic Jilly than Peta Toppano's devious, cold bitch in the sequel. True, she's still sneaky but nowhere near as arrogant as Peta! The resolution to the mini-series is a satisfying one, which I won't reveal. Go buy the DVD if you can find it.

Performance wise this show is pretty well cast, it's almost like an ensemble piece, a quality shared by its sequel. You have to decide though, who gave the best performance in it? I'd say Rebecca Gilling, what her character endured in the duration of this show and how she dealt with it is gripping viewing! Wendy Hughes comes a close second, with James Reynes' slightly hammy acting in third.

Comparing the mini-series with it's follow-up only shows that this show dared to be different, it's sequel is a little more formulaic and without giving too much away more contemporary.

Return to Eden stands though as a solid compelling drama. The TV series spin off is just as compelling, both of them show the rise and fall of Stephanie Harper. If you come across either on DVD, buy it, they-re two of the very best examples of their genre.
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