Love & Rage (1999)
Evil Walks Among and Within Us
9 January 2007
It is said that great art ought to disturb. Well, I found this movie quite disturbing as I did Hitchcock's Psycho and others that reveal the demons within and without. It is Daniel Craig's show all the way. He is becoming the great actor but I'm not sure I'm happy for him. He has the habit of swallowing each movie whole that he is in lately. I have always had a theory of so-called larger than life actors--they are egotistical and ravenous, not unlike Craig's character here. I believe that choice of roles is determined like eye color from birth. Genetically, people are predisposed to choose roles that reveal or employ something basic in their own personality. (No need to mention Mel Gibson--he jumps out at you.)I'm not saying that Craig is a psychopathic sociopath, but that his persona has elements that enable that type to live and breath and be believable. I noticed this in the past with actors like Nicholson, Pacino, Dean et al. There is something really too large in their own personalities that I find disturbing. I also notice they tend to be attracted to similar characters way beyond being character typed. It is interesting that this Lynchehaun was an actor as well. Their genius is in lying to us. Ronald Reagan did it marvellously. The question is, how does one sleep at night knowing these people rule the public's mores, fashions, ideals, etc. Is it any wonder America is under at war with itself? Anyway, enjoy the play, the play's the thing, no? Except, what do we do in a world where playacting is no longer an escape from reality but a deep dive into it? Personally, I miss the halcyon days of my youth when I naively did not know so much about the nature of mankind.
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