Review of Easy Prey

Easy Prey (1986 TV Movie)
Strange Events.
15 January 2007
This story still blows my mind. I went to South Torrance High School in the early 80's and I'll never forget the beautiful blonde girl that sat right behind me in English class. Her name was Tina Risico. I had a crush on her right away and we used to flirt back and forth every day in that class. We started to really like each other and I finally got her phone number. Well, before we could really strike any kind of relationship up, I moved to my grandmothers house in northern California. We talked on the phone all the time but as the months went by we slowly stopped talking. Well, I finally moved back to southern California where I had heard of the girl that got kidnapped from Del Amo Mall and it blew me away. I had no idea it was Tina however. One evening I was working at JB burgers in Hermosa Beach, it was New Years Eve, I was cleaning up a bit outside and noticed a Daily Breeze newspaper stuffed between a pipe and the wall. I grabbed it to throw it away but noticed Tina's picture on the cover. I was in shock as the caption read, "Story of the Year" I sat down on the bench and read the article. I was totally in shock! I tried to get a hold of Tina, but was never able to do so. I'm not sure what I could have said anyways. I'm not sure where or how she is today, but I hope that she is well. When I finally did see this movie, I was amazed at her bravery in the face of such incredible danger.

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