This game is about the connexion between Vincent's past and the discovery of Deepground soldiers.
17 January 2007
I'm one of the biggest fan of FFVII so, naturally, when i heard they were making a sequel, i ran to the store and bought it. DoC is a great game. I enjoyed seeing all those cut scenes about mysterious and gloomy Vincent Valentine, my favorite FFVII character.

I was happy to see a lot of Yuffie Kisaragi too. Since this story takes place three years after the original 1997 game, she has become more reliable and mature. Some people complained about not seeing enough of Cloud and the others. Well, this game is NOT about Cloud or Tifa or Barret. It is Vincent's story. I think Vincent is an excellent choice of main character because of his connexion with Shinra and Hojo.

The music was beautiful and so were the graphics. The in-game movies were amazing, and I loved Steve Blum as Vincent Valentine. His voice is perfect to play this character.

I thought the game was a bit short though. When set on easy, you can finish it within 10 hours or less.

I think this game is worth buying. It is an excellent sequel to Final fantasy VII so ignore the bad comments and get right on it!!
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