The Hitcher (2007)
I thought it was a waste of time
19 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
In the past month I have watched nothing but meaningful movies such as American Beauty, Memento, Eyes Wide Shut, and Shawshank Redemption. Coming into this movie I had seen horror movies before, but this one just did not live up to any of them.

First off, it was very short, just under 90 minutes. Not what I'm used to. Secondly, the movie was not suspenseful as much. My friend called every scene back to back because it was so predictable. The other friend who saw the first Hitcher saw some parts coming as well. Thirdly, there were no gory scenes that made the movie stand out except for one scene, but nothing much was shown. Fourthly, there were many obvious mistakes, such as the windshield of the 442 kept going from completely broken to broken to dented to dirty in different scenes. It was very annoying, and that kept my attention more than the movie.

Overall I thought the movie was pretty bad. The plot was fine, but they never told us why he was hitching rides to kill people. There's no reasoning behind it. That really kills the movie. Like my friend said, "They could have avoided all this is he just kept his f***ing eyes on the road".
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