They don't make 'em like they used to,....THANK GOODNESS!!
27 January 2007
How could anyone think of placing Cary Grant in a film and giving him practically nothing to do?! Well, even though it was relatively early in his career, he had plenty of charisma and star status that it just didn't make sense having him play second to Edward Arnold--who played an annoying and ridiculous version of the life of Jim Fisk. These two characters were also teamed with Jack Oakey--who was there solely for comic relief. All together, they had very little chemistry together and the film itself was dreadfully uninteresting. In many ways it had SOME of the appearance of films such as MANHATTAN MELODRAMA or SAN FRANCISCO (all had a pretty impressive budget and sets), except these films set in roughly the same period in American history were interesting! A poorly written script, too much comic relief and a complete ignorance of the actual historical facts make this movie a real chore to sit through and one of the few in recent months that I truly couldn't stand. Even "bad" movies (such as some of the 50s sci-fi flicks) can often be enjoyed for their campiness or your ability to laugh at them--this one is just dull.

My advice? See any of Cary Grant's other marvelous films--he didn't make that many as poor as this one and made so many classics that deserve your attention.
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