One of the best book adaptations I've ever seen.
27 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was about 12 years old when I found L. M. Montgomery's novel, "Anne of Green Gables" at a small community library. I was immediately taken by orphan Anne Shirley and her various misadventures, and grew to love all the characters of Avonlea. Prince Edward Island went to the top of my list of places to visit in the future. Anne was a girl with character-not a put-upon girl who was afraid to speak up for herself. That was a refreshing change from many books aimed at young ladies "back in the day". I have to say that this show was wonderful to see. Megan Followes "was" Anne. Colleen Dewhurst "was" the crusty but lovable Marilla. My favorite was Richard Farnsworth's portrayal of Matthew, the shy, sweet bachelor brother of Marilla. For those who aren't familiar with the story, Matthew and Marilla decide to adopt an orphan boy to help Matthew around the farm. The orphanage makes a mistake and sends Anne. Matthew doesn't have the heart to send her back, so they travel on to Green Gables, Matthew and Marilla's house. Needless to say, Marilla is not amused, but Anne eventually wins her heart. With a temper as fiery as her hair, and a quick mind and huge vocabulary, Anne quickly makes a friend of Diana Barry and catches the eye of Gilbert Blythe. Anne's adventures made for great reading. I am happy to say that this production catches the spirit of the story beautifully. I cried just as hard at the end of this movie as I did at the end of the book when Matthew died. Another 10 from me!
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