Cats of Mr Mirikitani / very nice movie
7 February 2007
I have seen this movie during the Rotterdam Film festival. The film is a sort of interview like movie/documentary about a Japanese artist (Mr Mirikitani) that was send to an American concentration camp for Japanese immigrants after the pearl harbor attack WWII.

After this period he is in the USA but loses his identity/social number etc. He manages to do some work here and there as a cook but eventually goes to living in the streets of new york where he makes drawings/paintings mostly cats (but actually he draws anything). a female reporter (Linda Hattendorf) makes a documentary of his life and then the terrorist attacks (9-11) take place at the world trade center.

As ashes and toxic fumes on ground zero emerge, Mr Mirikitani has no place to stay and the female reporter decides to take him into her apartment which creates a lot of hilarious moments ... it is a film with a lot of grief, happiness and humor. that's why i would recommend it to anyone that likes an emotional story with a lot of humor.

Probably I fail to make a lot of details in this review and maybe have some facts in wrong perspective but just go see the movie for yourself and give your meaning here too!
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