Behind Beulah
11 March 2007
I've been a Beulah fan for many years since I first heard If We Can Land a Man on the moon... until their last album, Yoko. I didn't know much about the band and didn't care to learn that much at the time. I liked the music and that was good enough for me because it was entertaining and did what music was supposed to do. Watching this movie was a bit of an eye-opener to see what the band behind the music I've been listening to for years is really like.

I agree with the other comment on this board about how front-man Miles Kurosky is sort of bi-polar, seeming like a nice enough guy at times, inviting fans on stage and also coming across as an complete self-righteous a$$-hole other times.

I wouldn't like to base a man on a 1.5 hour movie because it would be unfair. I'll give Miles Kurosky the benefit of the doubt and assume he's a nice guy even though he probably isn't. Calling someone a "fagg0t" doesn't really help admire him. Neither does his self-righteousness when a venue doesn't immediately meet his requirements and he's ready to cancel the show and disappoint his fans who have paid to see him. Miles Kurosky is pretty much summed up when the movie opens with his rant against Bob Dylan and why Kurosky's music is better than Dylan's.

The incident involving a politically-charged discussion between the band and a fan doesn't help them look too positive either. From what was shown no one was blaming the band for the war in Iraq and to assume so is completely thick-headed and lame. From what I saw a fan invited the band into his home and they basically treated him like crap and mocked him afterward. Not cool. Fans make your band.

What's good about this movie? The music. I'm not really interested in the band themselves and their quirks or their interested in porn magazines and homo-erotic behaviour between shows. The music is what this movie is about and it's great to have all these live shows on one disc so I could really enjoy this band.

If you like Beulah and you want to watch some excellent live performances then watch this movie. If you're interested in their eccentricities then you might also enjoy it.
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