Anne Hathaway - Another entertaining film-laugh a little, grind your teeth some too! Laughs
16 March 2007
I saw Anne Hathaway in Ella Enchanted and she was so great in that with Hugh Dancy..wow is he ever handsome. Then I saw her in the Princess Diary. She was so good in that as well. She is a good actress, and always makes each part she plays believable. Meryl Streep was wonderful as the bossy, conceited and demanding, controlling boss and editor of a High Fashion magazine. No one's life is their own when they work for high profile big wigs in business. One really gets a small taste of the mad rush to get everything together, and on her desk when she wants it. Pressure is exerted on everyone. People vie to work for Meryl Streep, and Anne comes in as just someone who needed a job, and did not even know what kind of business it was. It has many laughs, and astounding behavior from these fashion moguls that fancy themselves more important then any other people, but also shows the side that is the dog eat dog life style that is really repugnant to most people. It was funny in spots, has romance, and some very intense moments where you find yourself talking to Anne to get out of that business, who needs a boss that mistreats you and your time is never your own, she keeps her running hither and yon and only to do her bidding. It appears Meryl Streeps character has no heart, till the end, and then you find the answer to that question in your mind. Once was enough for me on this film. I liked the film. Good film!
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