Review of Goth

Goth (2003 Video)
"Suicide attempts don't count, especially failed ones." Pretty bad.
17 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Goth starts as two wannabe Goth's Chrissy (Laura Reilly) & her boyfriend Boone (Dave Stan) arrive at a goth nightclub somewhere in Los Angeles & start dancing to some absolutely horrendous 'music', while waiting to use the toilet Chrissy bumps into a girl named Gothe (Phoebe Dollar) who says if she & her boyfriend meet her out back she can let them have some drugs for nowt, obviously too good an opportunity to turn down it's not long before all three are indulging in a drug Gothe calls 'White Light'. But it doesn't end there because Gothe is in fact some twisted messed up psycho who likes to terrorise, torture & kill people & she has decided to take Chrissy & Bone along for her latest night of fun...

Written & directed by Brad Sykes I don't really know what to say about Goth, I mean there's very little here by which to get excited about & it's a bit of a chore to sit through. The script which seems to take itself extremely seriously at least moves along at a reasonable pace & to it's credit it wasn't that boring but when the story, the character's & the dialogue are all so tedious & lame it sort of cancels it out. For a start no explanation was given for Gothe's motives, none other than she was a true goth which I would imagine could upset real life Goth's who wouldn't like being portrayed as vicious killers. The character's of Chrissy & Boone are terrible, they spend virtually the entire film discussing how to get away from Gothe yet do nothing, I mean Gothe is just a skinny girl surely both Chrissy & Boone could have overpowered her? Then there's the frankly ridiculous twist which is somehow supposed to connect Gothe & Chrissy but again this makes no sense if you think about it as Chrissy could have done what she was planning to a long time ago & saved us from having to sit through this which would have killed two birds with one stone. The set pieces & exploitation scenes are poor, it never really entertains or even amuses & then there's the mysterious van driver that we never see whose only purpose in life it seems is to wait in Gothe's van & drive her around wherever she wants to go.

Director Sykes is renowned for ultra low budget horror film junk like this & Goth doesn't exactly enhance his reputation, there's no style to the thing at all & Goth is the only film that has ever had me reach for the mute button on my remote control within the first 5 minutes as the opening scenes in the nightclub feature a truly horrible song that literally was giving me a headache so I had to turn the sound off until it stopped. The gore isn't anything special, there'some cutting of skin, there's a slit throat & a few stabbings but nothing to write home about. There's some nudity including some overweight women which frankly looks hideous & is far more scary & disturbing than anything else seen in Goth.

Goth probably had a budget that wouldn't stretch to a round of drinks down your local & it shows, the camera work is terrible & it was obviously shot on horrible grainy video, the lighting is poor & the production design consists of the back of Gothe's van & a few seedy hotel rooms. The music is grating & even the costumes seem flat & dull. The acting isn't going to win anyone any awards, Reilly & Stan are both awful although Dollar isn't too bad as the villain.

Goth is the sort of film you don't really watch you just endure it, the positive thing I can say is that it keeps moving but when everything else is so bad it hardly matters. Not recommended.
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