My first, and probably last, video game review
20 March 2007
This is the first video game I've ever rated or commented on, but this game was so cool I had to put in my two cents. I don't play video games much at all, but every two years or so I will get the jones to play a game. I'd say the past ten years or so it has been discouraging because these video games are so difficult to learn and play. I grew up on Atari and Nintendo when you had just a couple of buttons and very simple tasks. Once Super Nintendo came on the scene my video game days were almost over.

Even still, I decided to give Prince of Persia a shot. Bear in mind, I chose this video game solely based upon a t.v. commercial. I'm not in tuned with video games and the latest and hottest, I just pick up what I see advertised. I knew that I was going to have trouble, but I stuck in there and eventually I got the hang of it.... Scratch that... eventually I GOT ADDICTED. I took the game to work, I played endlessly trying to beat that game. I couldn't put it down it was so captivating. The graphics were awesome, the movements were smooth and cool, and the fact that his fighting was hand to hand combat instead of shooting just made it that much better. He had kill moves that could be done with button combos which reminded me of my Street Fighter 2 days, and that speed kill feature is off da hook, crazy nice. There was a good story that went along with the game. The different obstacles and moves were just difficult enough to where I couldn't overcome them the first time around, but they weren't so difficult that I had to give up. Fighting the opponents was the same, and when the prince turned into the Dark Prince the fun was just beginning.

Like I said, I have very little reference for a good game versus a bad one, but this game was lovely. I eventually beat it in what was a short time for me (it had to have been weeks). The ending was even amazing, and I didn't know that games had credits longer than most movies.
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