When Innocence Is Lost (1997 TV Movie)
All She Wanted To Do Was Put Her Child in Daycare! What The Hell is Wrong with That?
25 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Erica French was just a young woman who was simply doing what she had to do to make things convenient for her. When she puts her daughter in daycare her ex-boyfriend comes out of the woodwork and files for custody just because he does not want his child in daycare.

From there Erica faces a long legal battle against him. He sues her to death. Just because there was an accident does not mean that the place is unsafe. In the end though, Erica does win her case but is forced to drop out of school.

This movie is a nice lesson to young people showing how difficult it is to raise a child. Once you make that commitment there's no turning back. So to all young people out there: think long and hard about it before you have sex. Your responsible.
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