Aggravating Hack Comedy
25 March 2007
I got this movie from the Cleveland Public Library for my wife who has a crush on Mark Ruffalo.

After about the twentieth hack Cleveland joke I was ready to destroy this copy of the movie to protect future viewers.

I'm supposed to believe Mark Ruffalo lives in Cleveland and puts up with Gwyneth Paltrow making whiny comment after whiny comment about how much Cleveland sucks? Yeah, right! A true Clevelander would've driven her to Detroit and booted her ass out of the car. I am so happy this movie bombed! My favorite scene is when the plane is landing at CLEVELAND HOPKINS AIRPORT in front of MOUNTAINS shrouded in fog. Last time I checked we didn't have any mountains. Have the makers of this movie even been to Cleveland or did they get the Cleveland jokes from twenty five year old episodes of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson?

Gwyneth Paltrow should stick to naming her kids after the Fruit of the Loom guys and making high-brow films nobody watches. In the meantime if anyone wants to see a good romantic comedy, watch "Just Like Heaven" with Mark Ruffalo and Reese Witherspoon. I gave this movie two stars because Mike Myers tried to give it CPR, but failed.
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