Sex Is Zero (2002)
A Somewhat Fair Mixture of Over the Top Comedy, Romance, and Drama
6 April 2007
The only reason I watched this film was because I was looking into Asian cinema more. The first portion of this movie, as many know, was an American Pie clone. Basically it has all your mindlessly put together script with absolutely pointless adult themes added to it. If you enjoyed American Pie, you'd probably enjoy this. If you didn't, chances are you'll be extremely turned off by this film. I, myself, did NOT enjoy the first portion of this movie but I continued watching. It is not until the second half where the movie picked up and became more of a traditional drama which was surprisingly well done. It caught me off guard in a good way and it redeemed itself as a movie worth watching.

I give this movie a 7/10 because of its well done second half which was brought down by its mind-numbingly dumb first half. Overall, it is a fair mixture of different genres. I only recommend this movie because it redeemed itself on the second half. (Just don't get mad at me though if you can't get over the first half.)
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