THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE (Spencer Gordon Bennet, 1959) **
27 April 2007
All the shortcomings one would normally associate with low-budget sci-fi are evident in this film: a talky script (whose solemnity, typical of this era, gives rise to unintentional hilarity) which provides little opportunity for action (and this is mostly stock footage and obvious models) and delivers a ridiculous-looking monster (a sort of octopus/cyclops hybrid).

THE ATOMIC SUBMARINE does, however, feature an eclectic cast - comprised of veterans (Dick Foran, Tom Conway and Bob Steele), genre regulars (Arthur Franz) and newcomers (Brett Halsey); the only female character - a blonde bombshell (played by Joi Lansing, Frank Sinatra's then-girlfriend!) who adds some much-needed spice to the film - is regrettably forsaken after the first reel. It's interesting that the spaceship involved is capable of diving underwater - whereas the one in, say, INVADERS FROM MARS (1953; which I rewatched recently), could conceal its presence by hiding in the sand dunes! The vessel's influence on the submarine crew causes them to go berserk: a similar fate befell the astronauts who landed on the PLANET OF THE VAMPIRES (1965); likewise, the Arctic chase plot anticipates THE BEDFORD INCIDENT (1965).

I had read that the Commentary is a dull listen, but I enjoyed it quite a bit: as in his brother Richard's case, Alex Gordon proves very articulate and well-prepared; though he veers off-topic a lot throughout the discussion and, even if he's speaking about unpretentious 'B' horror flicks that were basically intended as exploitation, one is never bored to learn about this particular area of film-making. Gordon also spends a considerable amount of time listing and reminiscing about the old Hollywood stars he continuously employed (even for bit parts) in his films - there's an especially amusing anecdote about Anna Sten. The Criterion DVD also includes, among other things, a nice interview/career overview with the gracious Brett Halsey.
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