They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968 TV Movie)
A really amusing and entertaining Grade Z schlock camp hoot
29 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Professor John Coleman (nicely played by John Holland) gets abducted by a group of evil Nazis. Coleman's decent, morally upright son-in-law Phil (likable Walter Stocker) and his sweet wife Kathy (lovely Audrey Claire) go to the South American country of Mandoras to save him. They discover the living disembodied head of none other than Adolph Hitler (a hilariously manic portrayal by Bill Freed), who plans on taking over the world with a deadly nerve gas that only Professor Coleman knows the antidote to. David Bradley's competent direction maintains a steady pace throughout and effectively develops a colorful south-of-the-border atmosphere. The acting is generally solid, with especially stand-out turns by Nestor Paiva as polite, friendly, cigar-puffing police chief Alaniz and the delightful Dani Lynn as wacky slang-slinging beatnik hipster chick Suzanne. Film noir veteran Stanley Cortez's gorgeously sharp'n'slick cinematography gives the movie an attractive glossy look. The booming'n'bombastic stock library score is pretty funny. Ditto the priceless scene where a dead body falls out of a phone booth. Although a bit slow and talky, this notorious Grade Z schlock camp classic nonetheless radiates a certain cruddy charm that's both amusing and entertaining in equal measure. The BCI Eclipse DVD offers both the superior and more coherent original picture along with the extremely muddled and dreadful alternate version "They Saved Hitler's Brain."
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