Spider-Man 3 (2007)
This Summer, the True Battle Lies Within...Hollywood.
4 May 2007
I don't want to get into how the ending scenes left me hollow, or how the telegraphing lines foreshadowed way too heavily.

I just want to say, too much, too soon. Spider-Man 3 wants to tie up all the loose ends by the closing credits.

And so it might have done, if it hadn't opened two or three additional cans of worms as well, before stuffing them unceremoniously back in.

I love Raimi's films, and I enjoyed this one. But 2 was so much better than I ever thought a comic book movie could be. This one...well, it's just another comic book movie. And the reason is, it violates too many rules form the school of it's subject. Comics never just end, and tie everything up. There's always a sinister shadow on the wall, ready for next time. This film spends so much time trying to get everything up together that it leaves holes in the quilt.

If I were any more specific, I might give something away, but suffice it to say, 3 was fair, and still better than 1, but I suspect this one was killed by movie execs who said "we gotta have 3 villains in this one!"

Nothing kills good storytelling like money-driven ambition.
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