Review of Elektra

Elektra (2005)
Lost in the mediocrity of other comic movies.
10 May 2007
I'll admit it, I avoided this film like a George Clooney flick over the past two years on two accounts. 1] It was a soft sequel to Daredevil. 2] I was unaware of the Elektra's comic book history and did not know she was actually resurrected in the comics. I originally thought they brought her back for the purpose of the film. I was also a never been a big fan of the Alias series, but found to enjoy it sometime after it got canceled. To my surprise, Elektra was not THAT bad. After many failed attempts of converting several comic in to theater blockbuster, this one is...okay. That is, if you can somehow erase Daredevil from your memory banks.

Elektra takes place a few years after her death. Now resurrected, she's a hired assassin that pits herself against a terrorist/ninja organization known as the The Hand after she backs off an assignment. Amongst The Hand carries a few unique characters with some interesting which is able to conjure up beasts from the tattoos covering his body.

This film is nowhere close to Daredevil and should not even be uttered in the same sentence. The plot is a bit cliché similar to the Replacement Killers with a dash of Crouching Tiger, but it is simple and interesting enough to keep you entertained. The special effects looked pretty good and were not overdone. The fight/action scenes weren't too shabby either and weren't as much cheese as you expect from a comic movie...which may have been my only real complaint. I had a tough time rating this film higher than a 6 because I just felt bored. There were too many long dialog moments in the movie and fight scenes may have been too short.

After doing some more research, the film was actually pretty close to comic, which is a plus. In any case, it is worth a DVD rental if you haven't seen it yet. Fortunately with debacles like The Hulk, Daredevil and the Fantastic Four floating around, this one is slightly superior. This certainly a good movie to nuke some popcorn with.
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