Review of Captivity

Captivity (2007)
Caught Off Guard
22 May 2007
I was at a test screening a few weeks ago and I have to say I was really caught off guard. First of all this is not another Saw ripoff at all. It's much more psychological, dealing with mind games and phobias that make you think about what scares you at your core. It moves really quickly, jumping into the action before the credits finished rolling and didn't ever let up (till the end of course). It was totally demented and sick but didn't simply rely on gore. It's a smart movie that's shot really well so that it looks unlike other horror movies.

I thought I would hate it but I actually liked it a lot. Elisha Cuthbert is quickly becoming one of my top five (not that that has any bearing on my review here) and there's a sex scene that is pretty smoking hot. But surprise, surprise it's not an exploitive sex scene. There's actually some refined taste here exercised by the film makers.

The biggest surprise for me was this: I think women will really like Captivity more than the other movies in the genre because this comes more from a woman's point of view and is much more internal in the way it deals with fear.

All in all I have to recommend this movie.
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