Suicide Club meets Nightmare on Elm Street by way of Radioheads How to Disappear Completely !
6 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Rookie female police officer Keiko played by wonderful eye candy Hitomi as one tough 1st case, a suicide which is seemingly too brutal to be suicide, quickly followed by another savage suicide. The key to both (is the now well worn plot) of a phone call to a mysterious Mr O (wickedly played by Shinya Tsukamoto himself)whom helps the suicidie by saying he's going to join in and kill himself while they are. Only he goes that little bit further and actually goes into their sleep and does the gory work himself. The police turn to man who's talent is going into peoples dreams, ala the Nightmare Detective of the title played by the great Matsuda Ryuhei). First attempt goes badly and O manages to kill a male police officer. Not being able to live with this Keiko now tries aided by by the nightmare detective who goes into O's own dream, revealing the reason for his actions.

Plot is basically Suicide Club meets Nightmare on Elm St 3 Dream Warriors by way of Radioheads How to Disappear Completely, visually pleasing which we've come to expect by headf'ck cinema master Shinya Tsukamoto, and should have enough blood to please most gore hounds. Flaws really come in the script, pacing and that feeling you've seen it all before. Still gets a 7/10 by me as of yet the best Asian horror film I've seen in 2007.
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