Don't RSVP to Eli Roth's Dinner Party
8 June 2007
Eli Roth's Hostel Part II was a follow up to an already mediocre feature that churned stomaches, but didn't really deliver what the audience wanted. Hostel II made sure it followed up with that same deliverance.

This plot was similar to the first movie except that instead of three men going to Europe it was three women. This concept alone tells the audience there will be just as much sex appeal, if not more. Overall, that is what will gross sales. The three women go to Prague and stay at a local hostel that is suggested by a student who they discovered was staying in the same area. All three women are lured into this hotel and are later put up to bid on the hostel network. They stay at the hostel for a few days before being taken to the torturing cells where the women try to fend off the blood-thirsty masochists and save themselves.

Eli Roth should really understand that this movie was really unnecessary. I applaud him for his efforts but if the original was not successful, then why bother with a sequel. Maybe he just wanted to go with the times since now-a-days all movies in theatres are sequels anyway. He should move on from this scene and come up with new scripts.

As far as the movie in general went: it was sub-par. The torturings were very very gruesome and I enjoyed that part... when there were parts like that (I believe there were three or four total), but the entire movie leading up to it was a waste. Everyone knew it was coming, he should have given the audience what it came to see and not the hour and fifteen minutes of dialogue beforehand. The only scene I wanted to see that I knew I wasn't going to already see was the ending scene with the little kids... come on it was hilarious.

4 out of 10 stars. If you want to see tortures, by all means. However, its not worth your money. Save it for Captivity or 30 Days of Night.
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