Curse of the Zodiac (2007 Video)
Pathetic movie!!
8 June 2007
I totally agree! This movie was garbage! One horrible detail is the fact that a lot of the scenes are shown at a 90 degree angle. The ground or floor is over on the right side of the screen. It is like a stupid camera man turned the camcorder to a verticle angle while recording, then when they were editing the film and saw that the image was on it's side, they just said "So what? It will be fine that way." It definitely does look like some 9th graders made it for a high school project - and did a horrible job. The acting is so fake and stupid. The plot is also very very very boring. This is seriously the worst movie I have ever seen! They also say the F word a lot more than any other movie. The killer says " fat F***" or similar things hundreds of times. One last point, the gore... when the Zodiac kills a person, they always show a disgusting view of the dead body with a lot of blood. They show things like the person's brains blown out onto the pavement next to her head or the killer sticks his fingers in the bullet holes in the persons head and plays with it! Gross!
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