Amazing documentary, see it and tell your friends about it
11 June 2007
I saw this at the Waterfront Film Festival in Saugatuck, Michigan.

An amazing documentary, extremely powerful, this may be my favorite film of the festival. Darius Weems is a teenager that suffers from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a fatal disease that is the lead killer of children. He and his friends travel in an RV across the country to California in order to convince MTV's Pimp My Ride to customize his wheelchair.

I'm so glad I saw this movie. It's such a spirited and uplifting film, the audience was huge and throughout the film you could hear a lot of people crying (I was too). This film needs to be seen. Not just for its greatness, but because not many people know about DMD and how fatal it really is. If this film makes it to a wider audience then more people will know of DMD and hopefully will help contribute to the foundations that are hoping to find a cure.

The film-making was excellent. Wonderfully edited and a terrific score, unlike other documentaries at the festival, this one always kept me interested and it never dragged. I congratulate everyone involved with this film. Everyone must see this film, so see it out and spread the word.

Two of the friends from the film were at the festival. They told stories of the trip and the filming. And they passed out postcards addressed to Oprah Winfrey, telling everyone in the audience to comment on the film and mail the letter out in hopes that she will pick it up and discuss it on her show. If that happens then it will be a huge step in spreading the word about DMD.

Here's the address that was on the postcard, so please, even if you haven't seen the film, write to this address, mention Darius Goes West, and hopefully the film will get more attention.

Oprah Winfrey Harpo Productions P.O. Box 909715 Chicago, IL 60607

And if you can't do that, go to Oprah's website and send an email about the film. Every letter will help.
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